Thursday, June 23, 2011

Does school kills creativity?

School is the institution dedicated to the instruction of the young members of society: children. In that sense, is in school where people start to receive all the knowledge and values that they require to live and be useful for society. But there’s a problem that makes a big contradiction in this point: how does it considerate individual’s interests and abilities?

Obviously, school must be the place where we can develop all our abilities and learn how to use the type of intelligence that every one of us has. So, educational system should be able to offer satisfaction in an individual level, besides to respond to the social interests. The problem is resuming to individual v/s structure problem, and it supposes that school can conciliate these two poles, providing education and instruction to every one, letting us to develop our capacities while these are useful for our society.

But why school would be killing creativity? According to Ken Robinson the conflictive point is not in the institution of school, but it is in the structure of society, based only in the productive and intellectual knowledge, serving just for economic and scientific proposes. In this sense, artistic and humanities abilities are not in the first places of the hierarchy and according to that, these areas are sub valuated and school doesn’t concern to develop it. In that way, children that wants and have to dedicated their lives to artistic professions and occupation are limited by all the social structure, because being an artist or an actor or a writer, at first place doesn’t make them win a lot of money, and at second place this is not considerate in school like a real ability or a type of intelligence, just because it is not associated to intellectual or economic-productive activities.

Resuming: we live in a cruel society. It is cruel whit people that has a different way to learn and different interests; people that has a different type of knowledge.

We should try to change this, first valuating artistic activities like real jobs. Just look where singers and actors of our country are: in Transantiago buses or in subway station, doing their “jobs” for a couple of coins, just because they are not intellectual people or business man.

We should think about it and learn to accept differences in all senses.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Walking around...

Today is a free post. Is not easy to decide a topic to write about, but I want to write about walking. Yes, to walk. It’s a simple thing, so simple that sometimes we forget about it.

Have you ever though about what really means to walk?

To walk is one of the first things that make us humans (besides rationality) There are some theories that says that the beginning of humankind was when Homo sapiens stand up and started to walk. Obviously, before to walk was necessary to develop others abilities, like thought and physical develop of muscles and bones. Anyway, to walk is one of the things that make us different from other animals, and is one of the biggest achieves we can make, just remember how happy were your parents when you did your firsts steps, and all the time that they spend teaching you how to do it.

But besides that, I think to walk is one of the most beautiful things that we can do. When you walk by the streets of the city is like take your time to think, to look all around you: people, buildings, trees. Or sometimes you can walk just watching the shine of your shoes.

To walk is like feeling free: wind blows on your face and mess up your hair. And I think that walking around is the best way to know places.

Sometimes you can walk so much, until your foots feels pain, but that means that you have walked and watched so much.

I like to walk, especially when it’s autumn or winter. I like to walk on the leaves of the trees and hear them to rustle under your shoes. I like to walk by the streets, whit my friends or my family or even, I like to walk alone. It’s so great that we can make it!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

using internet

I’m not the kind of person who uses internet for important things, like visit news websites or things like that, but sometimes I visit, because I think that it present more objective information about national actuality. But I have to admit that the most part of the time that I spend on the internet is just for leisure time, especially for listen to music or watch some movies. Because of that is one of the websites that I visit more.

I remember I discovered it a long time ago, when my brother and I where searching music from a punk band called Eskorbuto, so looking for it we find and we discovered that in this site we could find videos of everything (music, movie trailers, TV shows, and more)

Other website that I use a lot is This is one of my favourites sites, because you can find a lot of music and make your playlists, and IT’S FREE! Also you can play music from stations according to the kind of music that you want to hear, for example, electronic music, rock music, etc. Besides that, you can find related bands or singers, so you can learn a lot about music using groveshark. I discover this page because my best friend uses it and she recommended it to me, and I think It’s really a great site.

I like to visit the side, for find movies from Chile and Argentina and information about it. I think this a Aleberto Fuguet’s site, but I’m not really sure. The point is that here you can find some alternative movies from Latin-American directors.

And talking about social networks, I use facebook to talk with my friends and my family, to uploads photos and share music. Besides I use e-mail, to be in contact with friends and things related to the university.

About using internet, I think that’s all.